Monday, February 23, 2015

Oh Where Does The Time Go

It’s Monday and the rat race begins…

We have this obsession with time, whether its conscious or unconscious, we obsess about it.  The famous words “ not enough time” “time flies” “if only there was enough time”…

Some questions to ponder on…

Why do we feel this way? Why are we so anxious? It’s always such a race. Where are we rushing too? Why do feel that way? Why do we make our lives sound busier then they really are?  How can we slow down and enjoy the present moment “the now”? How can we learn to love what is in front of us instead of obsessing about yesterday and tomorrow?  No doubt the answers are different for all of us, but if your anything like me and you’re seeking that mental clarity and want some tips on how to stay grounded throughout the “busy day”  here are a few things that work for me and may work for you.

I’m learning how to love TODAY.  Yes, it is very hard to do, because I am constantly in my head going over yesterday and planning for my tomorrow. But practicing AWARENESS can really awaken us. You may notice things, people, situations you haven’t before.  Being aware forces you to stay in the present moment and teaches us acceptance of letting things be the way they are.  Letting go of the chatter. A lot like meditation, but with your eyes open and functioning.

MEDITATION. Even 10 minutes a day can dramatically reduce stress levels and over time can improve task performance levels.

BREATHING!  Yes… we have to breathe it's part of our anatomic system, but have you ever tried breathing consciously? If not.. It’s a great way to bring us back to planet earth.  The 4, 7-8 rule really works for me. That’s breathing in for 4 seconds, holding the breath for 7, and breathing out of your mouth for 8 seconds. 

Another tip, and this is my personal favorite, is JOURNALING. You can journal in the morning, you can journal in the pm, or you can journal throughout the day. Writing brings you back to a state of awareness, and sometimes going back an reading your entries can give you an insight to what is really going on in your life. Because we are all are “so busy” we sometimes forget to ask ourselves “how are we really doing...”

Anyway, happy mindful Monday everyone!


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